Saturday, November 22, 2008

Hooked on Far Cry 2

The good:
  • A true next-gen gaming experience. The Dunia game engine = very nice eye candy. I really like the LOD, lighting effects, water effects and reflections, destruction of vegetation/environments, and the non scripted movement of african wildlifel.
  • FC2 is more forgiving on your hardware than Crysis. I am running the game at 1920x1200 with "very high" settings and getting 30-40fps.
  • Nonlinear, open world, sandbox ...but you always have a GPS so you're never aimlessly running around.
  • Non scripted enemy AI but...(see bad below)
  • Weapons have a solid feel and recoil as you would expect. I -love- sniping!
  • Weapons jam - especially the ones you pick up left over from the enemy AI. it can be an annoyance but it's a plus to me since it makes the game more challenging. You never know when you're gonna be in a really tough spot!

The bad:
  • AI can be outright dumb.
  • After you clear out an enemy guard post and leave for like 10 min and come back, the same post respawns baddies again. wtf?
  • Enemy can take massive hits in the chest and still be limping - they must be superhuman.
  • Buddy missions don't offer that much incentive for completion.
  • A LOT of driving and/or boating. Going from mission to mission can be repetitive and tedious.
  • The requirement for regularly getting meds to treat your malaria is lame and adds nothing to further your character or the game IMO.
  • Night and day cycle is cool but night time graphics aren't as rich. Enemy AI does not seem to react less at night either.
I know I have more bads than goods but overall the strength of the good outweighs the bad for me. I'm hooked!


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