Tuesday, September 11, 2007

My HD media format commentary

If you follow tech / gadget news, you've probably heard by now that the HD media format war is likely to be extended with the Paramount/Dreamworks exclusive backing of HD DVD for 18 months. Time will tell but my own belief is that we may not see an end of the media hyped "format war" for a very very long time and that there will be a peaceful coexistence of both formats until the next latest and greatest thing comes around. You can argue that it's not apples-to-apples but I think video games is a good analogy. Sure there is market leader but the PS3, Xbox 360 and Nintendo Wii are doing just fine sharing shelf space and coexisting peacefully in the market. Warner is the only major studio that is still format neutral and still releasing in both formats so the concern about the need for doubling the B&M shelf space to accomodate both HD disc formats is becoming less relevant (although new rumors are circulating that they could go HD DVD only and that would really shift the balance in favor of HD DVD). I honestly don't really care that much about the HD Media poltiics. It makes for fun reading initially but after a while it gets old. At the end of the day I just want to watch my favorite films in the best video and sound presentation possible at a reasonable price regardless of format. So with that said....(segue to my next post above)


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