Monday, June 25, 2007

Sprinkler #3 busted

Sometimes it's really easy to take life's conveniences for granted...until they break. At our house, we have 5 different sprinkler "regions" and I recently started to notice the 3rd region was looking rather dry and patchy compared to the lusher green of the other regions. Being a numbskull, it finally dawned on me that the timer was busted. I had originally thought that since region 3 is under sun exposure for the entire day that it wasn't getting enough water but I didn't bother to check to see that the sprinklers were actually working. *sigh* Our lawn maintenance guy is nice enough to fix these things for me since he did our original landscaping. Until it's fixed, it is a minor inconvenience to have to come out twice a day and manually water the lawn.

BTW, anybody want to come over and help me pull some weeds?


Blogger wilco said...

taking care of a house is so much work. i've already replace one broken sprinkler head and it looks like i'm going to need to fix another couple. our lawn is finally turning back to green after i discovered a little too late that one of the sprinker heads had completely broke and had been geysering for a week.

9:28 AM, June 29, 2007  

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