Sunday, February 01, 2009

Superbowl Sunday

Several of Viki's fellow residents came over today for Superbowl Sunday. Although it was a heart breaking loss for the Cardinals, I think many people would agree that it was a great game. A lot of memorable plays. I had my fair share of unhealthy food (but I'll work it off to the Lakers vs Knicks tomorrow night). I was able to adjust the projector to "Sports" mode + high bulb setting and with the blinds down, the image was very watchable even at 3:30pm. Given the age of my bulb, I was pleasantly surprised. The image contrast was much better when it got dark at around 5:30pm. I haven't watched a big game on the big screen for a long time and I forgot how much fun it is. The wires hanging down from the projector are indeed an eye sore. I can't wait until we move into our next house where I can hopefully hide the wires.

Edit: I forgot to say that we also tried out the Intel 3D glass right at the end of 1st half. I did see the balls coming out at the beginning of the Monsters vs. Aliens trailer but for the most part the trailer did not seem very 3D like to my eyes.


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