Sunday, December 30, 2007

Changing Honda headlamps

One of our headlamps blew out from wear & tear. One headlamp was still running but I was a bit anxious to get it changed out because when Viks is on call, she is often summoned in the middle of the night to a county hospital that is a good 20 min away. You can never be too careful when it comes to crazy So Cal drivers. Changing a car headlamp can be a bit more work that changing a household lamp as we found out. Reading the car manual, we thought it should've been easy. We both scratched our heads for a little bit but eventually we figured it out and felt like kicking ourselves on how easy it should have been. The mistake we made was completely removing the steel "clamp" (on the right side of photo) that goes over the metal clasp that securely holds the headlamp bulb and it was extremely difficult to put back on. Lessoned learned: If you have a similar "clamp" don't completely remove it. Just loosen it!


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